Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Supporting the President ...in spite of his not being perfect

 This was a response to a post from someone who didn't think the President was doing enough....

I think you're wrong and I think I'll support the President on this because I'm sensible of the fact that there's probably no one, outside of FDR, who could have done better. I have no wish to bite off my nose to spite my face, lay down, and hand my country over to the Republicans.  At least I'll wait until I can find another President who after having a huge garbage truck of crap dumped on him on a daily basis from the minute he took office and almost never having enough cooperation given because we've got some damn Blue Dog Dems who need their asses kicked, no help and only gaming the system from Republicans instead of helping fix any of these problems. I'll keep this President who in spite of that managed to get some health care, save the auto industry, stop the free fall in the economy, bring the troops home from Iraq (yes, I know he sent more to Afghanistan--just as he said he would during his campaign), rescued an American from pirates, got Bin Ladin and numerous other Al Queda terrorists, and stopped the Republicans from raising taxes on the poor and middle class and from further tanking the economy by refusing to raise the debt ceiling.  Now I am aware that he did not "actually" save or capture the aforementioned people himself, so save yourself a oneupsmanship rant, but he did authorize people, and allowed the right people to plan, the events.  I have been alternately furious when I didn't get everything I wanted and ecstatic about things the President did get done,  Right now, I'm in total disagreement with him on the Keystone XL project and have done and will continue to let him know it in no uncertain terms.  However, one thing I know though, if we get pissed and have a temper tantrum and don't vote, if we split the Presidential vote with another "Savior", we will lose our asses and our country in this 2012 election. That is exactly how we let them get control in the 2010 election.  We let the spoiled brat people who didn't get what they wanted, hated the idea of a black President, and wanted to make sure no one was getting anything they weren't rich enough to be "deserviing of".  We let nut cases who wanted the Government hands off their Medicare, who believe the earth is flat, who believe if you aren't a Christian, you are evil, and a whole host of other sick stuff.  I am part of the 99%, and there is not one more thing I care to give to the Republicans, the Religious Righteous, the Racists, the Rednecks, the TeaPartiers, the 9-9-9 nutcases, or the people who don't give a damn about women or babies after they are born.   If you want everything fixed, it's relatively easy.  Give us a filibuster proof and veto proof Senate and House and we can begin to fix all the parts of our country that have been broken over the last 20 years.  Thank you very much; frailties and all, I support my President..

1 comment:

  1. So which stereotype does Ron Paul fit into. Sure Mr Obama was dumped with some big problems, but he said his "first priority" was to "bring the troops home".......

    and 3 years later he "officially" said we'll pull out of Iraq. He campaigned as anti-war them bombed Libya and Pakistan in an undeclared war.

    Did you think he'd do that when you voted for him in 08? Not much different than GW IMO when it comes to war.
