A Response to people saying that MoveOn is trying to Co-Opt the #Occupy movement.
Actually, I'd say it evolved from the American Dream Movement that Van Jones started up. MoveOn was one of the first to sign on with it, and then other organizations signed on and many of us belonged to several of them. We realized we had many of the same goals and started waking up, and Wisconsin showed us we can be powerful if we work together. I don't think MoveOn is trying to co-opt the movement, nor could they. We all want Social Justice and for different people there are different "must haves" in that scenario, be they economic, political, educational, environmental, racial, marital, or any social injustice that you may feel oppressed over. The important thing is that the American public is engaged and enraged and will no longer live lives of quiet desperation. We have watched our health, wealth, jobs, houses and savings go away and our cupboards get more bare and more of our children go hungry and homeless. We blamed ourselves while working like crazy and were unable to understand what we did wrong. We made errors in judgement, didn't understand what was happening to us, and trusted our elected officials and suited bankers to treat us fairly. We felt guilty; surely if we were deserving this wouldn't have happened to us. That was our biggest mistake., but it does not make us evil. It makes the ones who cheated and stole our country and her resources evil. We do not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, we love our country when she is at her best, and we will get our country back, and fix it, The greedy will still be greedy, & they will probably still be well off, but they will be more carefully watched and regulated. Some will hopefully get to spend some time in those for-profit prisons they are so fond of running. The pendulum of humanity is swinging back our way. Not all rich are evil; Roosevelt was rich and he loved America and made it strong and great and kind; Buffett is rich and appreciates what America has done for him, Henry Ford was rich and paid a living wage + that allowed his workers to share in his wealth and buy what they built. They all understood that we all benefit when the poorest among us has an education, a roof over their head, and a little pocket money to spend to buy the products we need. I am confident in US; I will continue to be confident in the 99% and I have hope for US.
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