Monday, January 30, 2012

GOP hates women

The GOP only loves pretty "plastic" Stepford women who keeps their mouths shut, screw on demand, and look the other way at affairs. They don't like women in general, certainly not as people, only as objects, but they particularly hate those women who are "uppity" or "outspoken" or "argumentative" or fight for their rights or their children rights.

What do you call a million Republicans at the bottom of the ocean? A good start!

You really wouldn't need an ocean to hold their morals or their morality (which they call Christianity)... you could drown all their morals and their morality in a bathtub...and still fit their damn elephant in there with it.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rick Santorum's Stone Throwing...

 My comment on this article:

Santorum is a total FAIL on every level I've seen so far. A judgmental faux-Christian who would cheerfully bring back the Inquisition for anyone who practices any beliefs other than his Judeo-Christian biblical interpretations. He espouses Taliban-like control of everyone and would bring an anti-Christ-like, Sharia Law to the United States. I absolutely see him throwing the first stone at a rape victim.....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dazed and Confused Democrats

 My response to OurFuture.Org article "Dazed and Confused"  ...about Democrats who are going to vote for Ron Paul

I have less patience with the spoiled-brat Dems who haven't gotten everything they think they were promised, than I do with the RWNJ Tea Partiers who are just certifiably crazy and nihilistic. If these people would shut off the damn reality shows and started watching their Senate and House of Reps in action, they'd be less critical of what the President has/or has not gotten done. He is not perfect, but leagues better than the racist, ridiculous Ron Paul could do. Ron Paul does believe what he says and tells the truth "as he sees it" but his truth is is childishly naive and selfish in the extreme. I do not want my country living "every man, woman, and child" on their own for survival. I am Ron Paul's age and I think he's dumber than normal if he hasn't seen enough history to recognize what has worked well and what has not worked for We the People in the past. I was raised by Depression Era parents who believed, and taught me, that when you crawled out of a hole, you reached back and pulled others up with you to move forward, you sure as hell didn't leave them in the ditch to die when you could help.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

We are Many...They are few the start of the Occupy Movement  
'Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number -
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many - they are few.'
......The Masque of Anarchy by Percy Bysshe Shelley. written 
to commemorate massacre carried out by the British Government 
of their own people at Peterloo, Marlborough, England in 1819. 
Masses of poverty-stricken, starving & homeless citizens stood 
together passive and unresisting in a field in Peterloo to protest 
their condition in Dickensonian England. The Government sent armed 
troops against them to break them up, but the citizens stood their 
ground and did not resist the attacks. They stood arm in arm and 
silent against their attackers as many were killed. The military 
finally refused to continue attacking their own people.  
If you have interest in reading the whole Epic Poem you can find 
it here: