Here is the link to that page.
We do not need to reinvent the wheel. We have a beautiful and amazing Constitution, written for us by men who wanted citizens to be free of the greedy and to have a say in the life they led. We also have obligations as citizens.We have the ballot box and we have our vote which the greedy and corporations cannot buy if we do not sell it to them. Keep your eye on the prize and don't let the "reality show fraud" turn you from our goal of a country that works and cares for the many, not just the few. We can fix everything we need to fix, and set ourselves on the road to a future that works for us all by using the ballot box as it was intended. The difference in between us is that "We the People" love our country and we care for each other; the greedy only care about money and we are a disposable tool for them to get more of it. We must stop them legally, strongly, and by our voices and our presence at the ballot box.
Occupy has already changed the dialogue and They are taking notice of us out here. Keystone XL got derailed. We turned the tide when we sent 50,000+ letters and made God knows how many phone calls to congress and the President The Balanced Budget Amendment today got stopped dead in its tracks....can you imagine that happening 2 months ago. Some Republicans even voted against it. The Republicancer will keep trying to stop us but we will not be stopped. Slow and steady wins the race. We will not fix it all at once, but I am hopeful that by next election time we will be voting in a strong majority progressive House and filibuster proof senate. We already have a President who will sign the bills if Congress can get the bills to him. In all likelihood he will appoint 2 Supreme Court judges in his next term and they are likely to be progressive or moderate. If not, we will still have the ability to vote to amend the constitution to state that corporations are not people. The Ayn Rand worshippers are on the wrong side of history. We will not be "objectified" because we are not objects, we are human beings with rights and needs. We are many - They are few.